If Man But Knew1. Two Shakuhachis (1:40)
2. Koto Piece (5:03)
3. The Eye Witness (8:22)
4. Mandola (5:51)
5. If Man But Knew (9:01)
6. Fana Fillah (8:35)
7. Procession Of The God Intoxicated /bonus track on CD/ (2:27)
8. Peregrinations /bonus track on CD/ (3:09)
9. Peregrinations Continued /bonus track on CD/ (6:42)
10. Another Ode /bonus track on CD/ (6:05)
11. A Bird In God's Garden /bonus track on CD/ (6:24)
czas całkowity - 63:19
- Susan Archuletta / shakuhachi (1), koto (2), viola (3), guitar (4-6), vocal
- Ian Whiteman / shakuhachi (1,2,5), piano (2), bina organ (6), oboe (4), vocal
- Conrad Archuletta / shakuhachi (2), flute (3,4), zither (5), banjo (6), vocal
- Mike Evans / mandola (3,4,6), guitar (5)
- Roger Powell / drums (3-6), safi drum (2) * jedyne wydawnictwo w dyskografii * 1972 (Island) * album studyjny